A group of Company Members visited Bletchley Park to discover the incredible achievements of Britain’s World War Two Codebreakers. We were ably guided by Court Assistant Christine Jarvis who is an expert on London and well beyond. As several of the group had travelled considerable distances to get there we…...
Livery Charity Chairs and Trustees 2024 Annual Conference
Livery Company Masters, Clerks and Trustees were invited to the conference. It was an opportunity to hear from charity experts on current issues, to see how fellow Livery Charities are responding to challenges and opportunities and to meet each other. After opening remarks by Deputy Philip Woodhouse (above), we received…...
Master’s Abseil for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal, The Leadenhall Building
What an incredible experience. My grateful thanks to all the sponsors for the opportunity. If you would like to contribute to my abseil for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal my justgiving page is https://www.justgiving.com/page/martin-bigg-1713264669847 After watching the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress accomplish their descent with ease, it was my turn.…...
Contributing to the national agenda
Water and the broader environment have been at the top of the national agenda for some time and are likely to remain so. Our members have a unique combination of skills, experience and perspectives. We are all united in our common mission to ‘promote a diverse and sustainable environment’; we…...
Thames Tideway River Cruise
Investment in the water sector is a subject of intense discussion at the moment. One successful high profile investment nearing completion is the Thames Tideway. After substantial debate and years of construction it is nearing completion with the caps being put in place on the various combined sewer overflow (CSO)…...