Water and the Environment
The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators is very much alert to the fact that information can be distorted for a variety of reasons and seeks to offer a series of connected ‘open spaces’ in which environmental, particularly water, management, can be examined and debated in ways which are non-confrontational. The Company draws on a very wide and deep experience and knowledge of its Members
Our work has seven strands:
Responding to formal consultations particularly by government departments and parliamentary committees , these are archived under the Policy Positions pages on this website
Sometimes it is of value to produce’ think pieces’ on key topics capturing the knowledge of our members and making suggestions based on their experiences and insights as a contribution to the national debate. These include the Personal Perspectives of individual Members. These are also archived under the Policy Positions Section. However, where the think pieces form part of an ongoing dialogue with a series of outside bodies, for the time being are held on the Members only domain of this website
Organising webinars with invited speakers on a myriad of related specific topics, information about these is located under our Events pages
Organising high profile debates on the overarching issues in the water sector, traditionally on the eve of World Water Day in March, now located regularly at Bakers Hall, London and for the time being supplemented by similar debates in November. The outputs from these debates are also located in Policy Positions as part of think pieces
Organising workshops on other aspects of environmental management, such as the circular economy
Organising focused dinner discussions with high profile principal guests.
Working with the City of London and other Livery Companies for the greater good of the environment of London, for example the City of London Climate Change Action Group, the City of London ‘ Bag it Don’t Block it’ campaign to reduce sanitary litter, and the City of London Port Health Authority Fishery Research Experiment, which takes the form of an angling competition.
Available Documents
June 2024:Briefing on its response to the Ofwat consultation on a water efficiency fund
April 2024:Response to the Ofwat consultation on its innovation fund approaches 2025-2030 Briefing Notes.
April 2024:Response to the Ofwat consultation on its innovation fund approaches 2025-2030
April 2024: Sewage effluent assurance: a new future?
March 2023: Some Further Thoughts on Sewer Overflows and their Impact on River Quality