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How does ecological risk relate to commercial risk? The Royal Society

Following our Coffee Colloquium at the Mansion House members of the Company and the Livery were invited to participate in a two day conference at the Royal Society. The conference aimed to help businesses understand the commercial risks they face due to ecological risks. The programme was intended to provide…...

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Evensong with the Worshipful Company of Musicians, St Paul’s Cathedral

Masters, Prime wardens, Wardens and Clerks of Livery Companies joined the Worshipful Company of Musicians in their annual service to give thanks for the gifts of music, creativity and performance and pray for its work to inspire and support young musicians.  The Water Conservators were represented by the Thames Warden…...

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City Environment Debate, Arup

Our first City Environmental Debate on ‘Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy’ was a great success with an almost full house at Arup’s central London offices despite the pouring rain.  we had representatives from many businesses and organisations, City of London Livery Companies including quite a few masters, as…...

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The Water Conservators have joined The Construction Liveries Group

The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators are very pleased to join the The Construction Liveries Group (CLG).  Construction (and demolition) can have a major impact on water and the environment. It is exciting to be working with other Livery Companies to promote a diverse and sustainable environment. This is a…...

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Common Hall Election of Lord Mayor, Guildhall

This is probably the most important date in the Livery calender when Liverymen exercise their right to nominate and elect the Lord Mayor. The day started early with breakfast for Masters and Clerks in the Guildhall where notes are compared and everyone catches up.  Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff…...

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Water Conservation Trust – Oxford Canal and River Thames Sponsored Walk

To raise funds, the Water Conservation Trust CIO (the charity of the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators) organised a sponsored walk along the Oxford Canal and River Thames at Oxford. Trustees, Company Members, friends and representatives of Thames Water joined Past Master Rob Casey for a guided walk starting and…...

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City of London Thames Fishery Research Experiment, Gravesend

The Fishery Experiment is celebrating 52 years.  The objective of the experiment is to establish the environmental conditions of the Thames through determining the number and size of fish species returning to the river.  This year eleven teams with 64 anglers and 11 younger anglers spent four hours fishing along…...

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Water Conservators’ award to Air Cartographer

The Company was pleased to welcome Sgt Matt Brett, Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) Training and Sgt Brett’s LINE MANAGER, Flight Sergeant (FS) Craig Metcalf to its Michaelmas Court Lunch.  After the Lunch the Master presented Sgt Brett with a Company Jug in recognition of his achievements. The citation stated: Sgt…...

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Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and Society for the Environment sign concordat to work together

The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and the Society for the Environment,  have signed a concordat to work together.  This took place on 25 September 2024 at the Michaelmas Court Meeting of the Water Conservators, in the Barber Surgeons’ Hall in the City of London Both organisations are proud to…...

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City Giving Day

Celebrating volunteering and philanthropy in the City. City Giving Day is a main initiative of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. Launched in 2014, City Giving Day is a unique annual event that unites businesses in the City and beyond through their charity and community partnerships. As part of the day, the…...

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