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Raleigh Lecture, The Company of Entrepreneurs, Drapers’ Hall

The Raleigh Lecture was created in 2018 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the beheading of Sir Walter Raleigh, statesman, soldier, writer and explorer.  Business then was ‘looking ahead to Brexit and new trade deals outside Europe’.

Students were invited from private and state schools to the impressive Drapers’ Hall to listen to three short talks showcasing the real world interaction of space and satellite technology with humanity today.  They then discussed the talks before sharing their views with an audience which included many Livery Masters.  As well as the business opportunities, it was very encouraging to hear from the students about the need for regulation to protect space.  The United Nations was cited as a potential leader on the regulation of space but with little optimism that it could actually enforce control.

Air Marshal Phil Osborn delivered the key lecture which was followed by a panel session of academics and entrepreneurs taking questions from students and guests.

We heard how space and satellite technology are essential to modern life: global locations, communications, and earth observations.  There is almost nowhere to hide now.  The development of space offers opportunities and exposes vulnerabilities.  Collisions between satellites and with space debris is an increasing problem as well as the pollution from their destruction as they fall to earth or are deliberately destroyed in space.

It was a most enjoyable evening with some fascinating discussions in the margins with the students and with members of other companies.  An Entrepreneur liveryman described the increased flooding that he experiences in Shepperton where his garden was under a meter of water when the Thames floods. Another Liveryman who worked for the Docklands Development Corporation described how the docklands were a semi natural flood relief are for absorbing the surges and high tides on the Thames.  Unfortunately when the docklands were developed flood risk management was a low consideration.  The question of where all the staff working in Canary wharf would go when the river flooded was not addressed.

With all their commitment and energy the Entrepreneurs deserve being able to progress to becoming a fully fledged Livery Company.  Congratulations to them for another successful evening.

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