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Pan-Livery Pro-Bono Interest Group, Information Technologists’ Hall

The Water Conservators are active regular members of the Group where we share information and experience about our Companies’ charitable and support work.  At our recent meeting we focused on how we can enhance collaboration across Livery Companies, both in the short term and the longer term.


We started with an update on the 2024 Survey of Philanthropic Giving which is undertaken every two years and has just been circulated to Clerks.  We looked at Funder Plus opportunities with Livery Companies, where Companies provide expertise beyond the money.


We heard about and were invited to participate in the Local Village Network (above), which offers mentoring for young people aged 14-24 and has 2500+ opportunities on their signposting platform.   It is who you know, not what you know.  Then we looked at lessons from other pro-bono support hubs including the London Pro-Help Group and the Business in the Community pro-bono support scheme.


Bringing in professionals breaks down social barriers, emphasises that the future is affected by more than exams and grades, provides a knowledge of different industries, highlights opportunities, and enables Companies to do something meaningful.


We finished with general networking amongst attendees where we shared the experiences of our Companies and Trusts.  We have a large support programme to help young people of which we can be proud.

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