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Common Hall Election of Lord Mayor, Guildhall

This is probably the most important date in the Livery calender when Liverymen exercise their right to nominate and elect the Lord Mayor. The day started early with breakfast for Masters and Clerks in the Guildhall where notes are compared and everyone catches up.  Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff…...

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Water Conservation Trust – Oxford Canal and River Thames Sponsored Walk

To raise funds, the Water Conservation Trust CIO (the charity of the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators) organised a sponsored walk along the Oxford Canal and River Thames at Oxford. Trustees, Company Members, friends and representatives of Thames Water joined Past Master Rob Casey for a guided walk starting and…...

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City of London Thames Fishery Research Experiment, Gravesend

The Fishery Experiment is celebrating 52 years.  The objective of the experiment is to establish the environmental conditions of the Thames through determining the number and size of fish species returning to the river.  This year eleven teams with 64 anglers and 11 younger anglers spent four hours fishing along…...

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Water Conservators’ award to Air Cartographer

The Company was pleased to welcome Sgt Matt Brett, Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) Training and Sgt Brett’s LINE MANAGER, Flight Sergeant (FS) Craig Metcalf to its Michaelmas Court Lunch.  After the Lunch the Master presented Sgt Brett with a Company Jug in recognition of his achievements. The citation stated: Sgt…...

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Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and Society for the Environment sign concordat to work together

The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and the Society for the Environment,  have signed a concordat to work together.  This took place on 25 September 2024 at the Michaelmas Court Meeting of the Water Conservators, in the Barber Surgeons’ Hall in the City of London Both organisations are proud to…...

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Great River Race

The Great River Race is London’s River Marathon. It’s a spectacular boat race covering 21.6 miles of the Thames from Millwall in the East to Richmond in the West, travelling under London’s famous bridges. It has around 300 crews taking part and is an international event with competitors from America,…...

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Tideway Boat Tour at Totally Thames Festival

Members of the Company joined a boat tour from London Bridge Pier to learn about the construction of the Thames Tideway Tunnel and new areas of riverside public spaces that are taking shape along the River Thames. We heard that the £4.5 billion Thames Tideway Tunnel has upgraded London’s Victorian…...

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Mistress Glover’s Flying Circus

Many thanks to everyone for your support and sponsorship for the Deputy Master’s Consort Eileen Bigg.  She was one of fifteen brave volunteer flyers from the Glovers and other Livery companies who took to the air on a 1942 Boeing Stearman bi-plane and wing-walked at the old Royal Flying Corps…...

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Rowing the Water Conservator’s Cutter

With two crews we rowed our Cutter Water Forget-Me-Not almost to the Thames Barrier and twice to the O2 (Millenium Dome) from the Cutter’s base in Charlton. We all had great fun and learnt so much, not only about rowing, but also about the Thames, its history and the moderrn…...

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Port of London Challenge

We won! The Port of London Challenge is a race is for six oared Watermen’s cutters carrying a coxswain and one passenger (the Master). The course is from HQS ‘Wellington’, King’s Reach to Imperial Wharf, a distance of approx. 4.6 statute miles.  Our super Cutter Water Forget-me-not and team had…...

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