The Water Conservators congratulate the The Worshipful Company of Entrepreneurs who became the 112th Livery Company of the City of London on 4 February 2025. The Entrepreneurs became a Guild in 2014, a Company in 2020, and have 210 members. We welcome them to the Livery. The Enrepreneurs are well…...
Supporting Treloar’s School and College
Every year, the Lord Mayor visits Treloar’s. This year, Lord Mayor and Alderman Alastair King DL, accompanied by Masters of the 46 Livery Companies who regularly donate to Treloar School and College, were shown what a difference the College can make to the lives of young people. After formal presentations…...
Farming, water and the environment
The Water Conservators were invited to participate in the launch of a report by the Green Alliance on how Farmers are navigating the agricultural transition and the water and environmental significance. The meeting opened with an encouraging presentation from the Minister of State for Food, Farming and Fisheries of United…...
Schools Programme – Progress Update November 2024
Schools Programme – Progress Update November 2024 River Holme Connections I enclose an extract from a letter of thanks from Simon Hurst, River Interventions Manager, River Home Connections, for our support of their Year In Industry student and the Riverfly Monitoring Project:- On behalf of the River Home Connections team…...
Schools Programme – Progress Update January 2025
Schools Programme – Progress Update January 2025 River Holme Connections As agreed a cheque for £5000 has been sent to River Home Connections to support their Year In Industry student and the Riverfly Monitoring Project. The year in industry students get involved in a wide range of activities during…...
Midshipman and Freeman
Congratulations to Worshipful Company of Water Conservators Freeman, Jess Fox, who has recieved her commission as an Officer in the Royal Navy. Jess was with Southern Water before she joined the Navy. Her training included time on HMS Prince of Wales during exercises ahead of the Carrier Strike Group world…...
Congratulations to our Dissertation Prize Winners
The Water Conservation Trust, the charitable arm of the Water Conservators, was pleased to announce the student winners of The Water Conservators’ Dissertation Prize. Fifteen prizes were awarded, for each of the universities supported by the Trust. Eight prize winners attended the Myddelton Lunch of the Company to recieve their…...
Government Consultations
The Christmas holiday was busy for the Water Conservators. We prepared two submissions for the government: one on draft guidance for stormwater overflows and another on a working paper about development and nature recovery. Briefings and the full submissions are archived on our website under the “Policy Position” section. It…...
Supporting Students at the University of Surrey
The Company’s Charitable Trust, The Water Conservation Trust, currently works with students at 15 universities. We provide bursaries to students on post graduate courses who may not otherwise be able to afford to attend the course. We also give a prize each year to the student with the best dissertation. …...