On 16 January 2024, the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and the Worshipful Company of Plumbers jointly organised the event Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The event was part of the Lord Mayor’s Coffee Colloquies, are a series of in-person events held…...
In our responses to the Ofwat consultations on water efficiency the Company has been advocating a review of water consumption tariffs. We think that the attached report on energy tariffs by Ofgem will be of interest.
For the report, published 23 August 2024, go to https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2024-08/Standing%20Charges%20-%20summary%20of%20responses.pdf Standing charge clamour shows need for new kids on the (rising) block By James Wallin, Utility Week editor https://utilityweek.co.uk/more-diverse-tariffs-could-reduce-standing-charges/ The level of ire over standing charges on energy bills was made abundantly clear by the response to Ofgem’s call for…...
The Water Conservation Trust
Congratulations to the University of Cambridge and the students and staff on the MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development. It has been running for 22 years during which nearly 700 students have completed the programme. The Water Conservation Trust is pleased support students on the course with a bursary and…...
Great News from this morning’s Defra Press release
This morning ( 11July ) the Secretary of State included in his announcement on the future of water company management that Water companies will place customers and the environment at the heart of their objectives. The Secretary of State is clear that he expects companies to change their ‘Articles of…...