A modern Livery Company

At the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s our core mission. We’re dedicated to promoting a diverse and sustainable environment, aligning closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. From education initiatives fostering environmental stewardship in schools to supporting students in universities, we’re committed to leaving a positive impact. Our focus areas include ensuring access to safe water and sanitation worldwide, promoting sustainable infrastructure and responsible consumption, and advocating for climate action. Through collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement in our practices, we’re driving meaningful change. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable future for all.

News from the Company

News of events and and happenings from across the Company including the Master’s updates as he represents us whilst interacting with other Companies, promoting the Livery, and furthering the objectives of our own Company.

The Company structure

In 2000, the Company of Water Conservators was granted Livery and became the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators. It was incorporated by Royal Charter in 2005.

Types of membership

You can apply to join the Company as a Freeman or, if you have Freedom of the City of London, or already a Liveryman, you can apply to join us as a Liveryman.

Our webinar series

We run a popular series of monthly webinars. Most of these are recorded and are available to view. Forthcoming webinars are advertised under our events page.

Upcoming events

  • 24 Jul 2024

    Evening on the River Thames on Water Forget-me-not

    We have arranged for our rowing team to join us at Cory’s where our Cutter is kept for an evening…
  • 19 Sep 2024

    Thames Tideway River Cruise

    Find the secret of what lies beneath!  Join members of the Company for a conducted tour of the sites on…
  • 01 Oct 2024

    City Environment Debate

    Based on our vision of promoting a diverse and sustainable environment, the Water Conservators’ Company is holding a debate on…

We are committed to the long-term health
of water and the environment