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Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers, Vintners’ Hall
The Company are also generous in support for members of the armed services and during the evening winners from each of the sections supported by the Company were presented with…
Mistress Actuary’s Lunch in support of Treloar’s, Guildhall
Susan Jagelman organised a Consorts’ Lunch in support of Treloar’s, with guest speaker Nicola Doran, Treloar’s Livery Relationship Manager. Participants were mostly current Consorts, but included the Immediate Past Actuaries…
City of London Guides, Derek Melluish Lecture, Church of St Lawrence Jewry, Guildhall Yard
Not only is the City of London a great business centre, it is also a great tourist centre. Our visitors are helped to appreciate our city by a large network…
Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, Sapphire Charity Dinner Dance, Plaisterers’ Hall
Sometimes raising money for charity is hard work and time-consuming. This was not one of those occasions! Courtesy of the Plaisterers’ Livery Company, Masters and Company members and guests gathered…
37th Annual Tacitus Lecture Worshipful Company of World Traders
The Tacitus Lecture is named after the Roman Senator and orator Publius Cornelius Tacitus who described Londinium as “a town of the highest repute and a busy emporium for trade…
Discussion Dinner with Sir John Armitt at the Oxford and Cambridge Club
Visiting Masters, members of the Company and guests joined together for a super dinner with Sir John Armitt CBE FREng FICE. Sir John is well known as the Chair of…
Mistress Paviors’ Luncheon at Watermen’s Hall
To mark the impending conclusion of her period in office, and, as we were later to discover, her birthday, Lizette May, Mistress Pavior, invited a cross-section of friends from the…
Worshipful Company of Constructors Livery and Awards Dinner
Eileen, my Consort, and I, were honoured to be invited by the Master Constructor to the Company’s Livery and Awards Dinner. It was an important occasion in their Livery year…