Westminster Abbey
Christmas tour
Wednesday 6 December 2023
See the Abbey as it prepares for Christmas
and where King Charles lll was crowned.
The coronation church since 1066, the Abbey
is the resting place of more than 3,000 great Britons.
Join us at 11.00 – entry is via the cloisters, accessed via Dean’s Yard, from where our own Blue Badge Guide and Court Assistant Christine Jarvis will take us on a journey through over 1000 years of history, meeting famous Kings and Queens as well as great poets and writers, plus some stunning arcitecture.
After the tour we will ajourn to a local traditional pub for lunch.
Please contact the Master at martin2.bigg@uwe.ac.uk to confirm that you would like to attend and Martin will provide you with booking and payment details. We are limited to 20 in the group. The cost will be £30 each. Please book by 30 November.