You are invited to the “Mudlarking and Heritage Crafts Festival” at Southwark Cathedral to celebrate the River Thames and some of the crafts that helped build London.

Friday 30 August 12.00-19.00

Saturday 31 August 09.00-17.00

A highlight of the two day event is the screening of The Living Thames Film:

Friday 15.00–16.00

Saturday 11.00-12.00 and 15.00-16.00

Introduced by Sir David Attenborough, and presented by environmentalist Chris Baines, The Living Thames gives a voice to the many people with a hand in making the Thames Estuary the great river it is. Despite its sometimes chequered and difficult history, this film illustrates how the estuary and its environs have not only flourished but evolved and adapted, promising hope for the future.

The Film will be followed by a Q&A session with director/producer Dorothy Leiper, Water Conservator Rob Casey and Dr Fiona Haughey, the only archaeologist with a thesis on the Thames.

Tickets Adults £5, Students £3, Children free, can be obtained from the website:

They will also be available on the door.