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Delivering UNSDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for All

“The significance of this report cannot be overstated… it is this kind of thorough and forward-thinking reporting that strengthens our City’s role in tackling global challenges, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for all”The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli.

The report Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, is based on the key points discussed during an event on 16 January 2024. The event was jointly organised by the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators and the Worshipful Company of the Plumbers. It was part of the Lord Mayor’s Coffee Colloquies, which are a series of in-person events held at the Mansion House promoting connections that help address the leading issues of the day.

This report highlights the critical importance of water for humanity, the challenges and first-step actions needed to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6). The key challenges and actions presented in the report include:

  • Boost water investment – Encourage private investment to fund research, innovation and
    infrastructure projects to provide solutions to achieve SDG6.
  • Improve water education – Water education should be a key part in schools. We need to
    communicate simple messages to the public to help convey the importance of water.
  • Increase the value of water – Water is undervalued in most places in the world. We need to develop a water valuation system where water is valued higher on the economic and societal ladder to encourage investment.
  • Share water knowledge and collaboration – There is a significant pool of talent in London and across the UK which can help to solve some of the most pressing water challenges for communities across the globe.
  • Expand water research and innovation – Develop new water solutions and monitor existing water structures, working collaboratively with businesses and academia. Set up UK water research projects.
SDG6 Water Sanitation for All FINAL

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