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Creating winds of change

Many members of Livery Companies, the Sheriffs and guests attended the World Traders’ Tacitus Lecture in the Guildhall.  It was inaugurated in 1988 and is now believed to be the largest event of its type in the City of London.  The guest speaker was Pamela Coke-Hamilton, the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre. She is an expert on sustainable economic development, gender equality, health and energy transition, and their connection with global trade.

Her lecture was titled “Be that one”: How to create winds of change in an uncertain world.” and she explained why unity in the face of daunting global challenges is critical, now more than ever, and what it will take to get there. She used examples from across the history of people, institutions, and movements that pushed for economic, social, and environment progress, even at times of crisis and upheaval.  She identified what the path towards a more just world can look like—and what it takes to “be that one” who seeks out that path, even against the odds.

Growing up in a very diverse Caribbean Island community in Jamaica, Pamela was shocked by the racism in the United States and the book she most valued was To Kill a Mocking Bird.

The presentation was incredibly relevant and topical considering the current trans-Atlantic exchanges and issues.  Congratulations to the World Traders for organising it.

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