Promoting a diverse and sustainable environment

At the Worshipful Company of Water Conservators, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s our core mission. We’re dedicated to promoting a diverse and sustainable environment, aligning closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. From education initiatives fostering environmental stewardship in schools to supporting students in universities, we’re committed to leaving a positive impact. Our focus areas include ensuring access to safe water and sanitation worldwide, promoting sustainable infrastructure and responsible consumption, and advocating for climate action. Through collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement in our practices, we’re driving meaningful change. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable future for all.

Our mission

The expanded mission of the Water Conservators Company is to:

We actively promote the science, art, and practice of water and environmental management. We serve as an informative resource to government bodies, the City of London, and the public by organizing technical conferences, facilitating networking opportunities, encouraging environmental education and professional development, and supporting environmental initiatives such as the Plastics Free City and the City’s Climate Change Strategy.

We embrace the traditions of the Livery movement, including charitable giving and support for education and training. We actively participate in Livery events within the City while remaining a modern and forward-thinking company.

We are committed to education, particularly for the younger generation in the water and environmental sectors. Through our charity, the Water Conservation Trust, we provide financial support for postgraduate study in water and environmental sciences in the UK. We offer targeted bursaries and dissertation support grants at leading universities, along with career development opportunities and mentoring for our Associate members. Through our debates, briefings and webinars, we offer Continual Professional Development.

Recognizing the diversity of perspectives in water and environmental matters, we aim to facilitate fact-based debates. We organize monthly webinars on environmental topics, inviting experts to share knowledge and insights. Our events, including dinners and the annual City Water Debate, promote constructive discussions among professionals and thought leaders in the field.

As a livery company based in the world’s greatest city, we actively contribute to London’s leadership in environmental and climate change policies. We support the City Corporation’s Climate Action Strategy and participate in the Livery Climate Action Group. We have produced a Climate Action Plan, provided guidance on water and wastewater usage, and collaborated with “Heart of the City” to help Livery companies calculate their carbon footprint.

Encourage and support innovation in water and environmental technologies, promoting solutions that address the challenges of our changing world.

Our shared values

We are deeply committed to the long-term health and sustainability of the environment, driving our actions and initiatives.

We value education and mentorship as essential tools for nurturing talent and fostering professional growth within the water and environmental sectors.

We promote open, fact-based, and constructive dialogue on environmental issues, aiming to bridge gaps and find common ground.

We lead by example in environmental practices and encourage others to follow suit, recognizing the unique opportunity for positive change within the livery movement.

We are committed to the long-term sustainability of water resources and the environment, seeking solutions that benefit both present and future generations.

We believe in responsible water conservation and environmental protection as essential components of our duty to safeguard our planet.

We recognize the interconnectedness of environmental challenges and actively collaborate with stakeholders to create holistic, effective solutions.

We uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our actions and engagements.

We embrace diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that our work serves the interests of all communities and ecosystems.

We embrace innovation as a means to adapt and thrive in a changing environment, leveraging technology and creativity to address environmental challenges.

For further information


These statements and values encapsulate The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators’ dedication to its purpose, vision, mission, and the core values that guide its efforts toward a more sustainable and diverse environment.