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Common Hall Election of Lord Mayor, Guildhall

This is probably the most important date in the Livery calender when Liverymen exercise their right to nominate and elect the Lord Mayor.

The day started early with breakfast for Masters and Clerks in the Guildhall where notes are compared and everyone catches up.  Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff then assembe in the Guildhall Crypt in reverse order of seniority.  This is when you are put in your place!

At 10.38 the Corporation, Sheriffs, Mayor and an impressive array of gowns processed to St Lawrence Jewry for a public service.  The Lord Mayor’s Chaplain preached a forceful and (for a traditional Anglican) long sermon. We then processed to the Guildhall where  at 12.00 all those who are not Liverymen are required to depart the Hall on pain of imprisonment and the doors were barred behind us (to keep out the King’s men).  The Livery were given six nominations this year and supported two.  The Aldermen voted in private and it was then announced that Alderman Alistair John Naisbitt King would be the Lord Mayor 2024/2025.

The gathered Liverymen and supporters then dispersed to varrious Livery Halls for lunch and the past and current Clerk and the Deputy Master and Consort were hosted at the Wax Chandlers’ Hall.

It was a great occasion celebrating the history of the institution of Lord Mayor and the Livery as well as seeing the City of London and its organisation at work.

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