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Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, Sapphire Charity Dinner Dance, Plaisterers’ Hall

Sometimes raising money for charity is hard work and time-consuming.  This was not one of those occasions!  Courtesy of the Plaisterers’ Livery Company, Masters and Company members and guests gathered in the Plaisterers’ Hall for a super evening of good food and fellowship to raise money for the Plaisterer’s Charitable Trust.  We heard about their work supporting plastering and the community, for example the National Trust Coleshill Plastering and Heritage Skills Centre.  We then heard how the Trust was supporting the families of members of the armed forces working on intelligence gathering in alien environments.  This results in the member of the forces being separated from family and friends for very long periods.

We enjoyed a super spread followed by dancing until midnight.  Congratulations to the Master and Company for a very successful and enjoyable evening in a good cause.


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