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The Treloar’s Gala Dinner – Mansion House

This was a grand occasion.  The Lord Mayor and the City of London including the Livery Companies are strong supporters of Treloar’s which is a primary, secondary and tertiary school/college in Alton, Hampshire for young people with a range of physical disabilities. They offer around 170 students aged 4 to 25 years with complex care and learning needs a specialist environment where education and learning take place alongside therapy and care. It aims to help them lead as independent lives as possible.

The Master and his Consort joined a table with the Master and Consort Watermen and Plasterers and other friends. After a champagne reception the serious work started. There was some successful guessing of the flip of a coin. The Master survived four rounds on the table before crashing out. During the meal there were a series of auctions, which attracted generous bids. We were then entertained by singers and music from the London Stage. The table actively joined in with the dancing/actions.  It was great fun.

Finally the evening finished with a silent auction.

The evening was a sell out and successfully raised about £500,000 for the school.  Everyone was a winner.

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