All our news in one place

Common Hall – Election of Sheriffs and other Officers, Guildhall

This is an important occasion in the City year when all the Livery Masters turn out in their gowns and bling. The Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff of the…

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Admiral of the Port Challenge Race

The Admiral of the Port is the Lord Mayor of London and this was a race in his honour. The course of this race is from HQS Wellington to the…

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Livery Charity Chairs and Trustees 2024 Annual Conference

Livery Company Masters, Clerks and Trustees were invited to the conference.  It was an opportunity to hear from charity experts on current issues, to see how fellow Livery Charities are…

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New Member’s Dinner, Guildhall

The Master, Wardens and Deputy Master and Clerk had the pleasure of the company of ten new/pending new members at an informal dinner in the Private Dining Room at the…

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Consorts’ Mudlarking

  The Company of Water Conservators was pleased to host about 40 Consorts Mudlarking on the banks of the Thames in the City of London just below the Millenium Bridge. …

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Master’s Abseil for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal, The Leadenhall Building

What an incredible experience.  My grateful thanks to all the sponsors for the opportunity. If you would like to contribute to my abseil for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal my justgiving…

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Contributing to the national agenda

Water and the broader environment have been at the top of the national agenda for some time and are likely to remain so. Our members have a unique combination of…

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Thames Tideway River Cruise

Investment in the water sector is a subject of intense discussion at the moment.  One successful high profile investment nearing completion is the Thames Tideway.  After substantial debate and years…

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Tudor Pull 2024

My grateful thanks to ©Chrysoulla.Photography for most of these super pictures What an amazing Day! It all started several days before, when the Stela (a section of ancient wooden pipe…

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The Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire

The Master Cutler of Hallamshire and the Regional Mayor of South Yorkshire (SY) invited Livery Masters to a lunchtime event, where the region outlined investment opportunities and success stories in…

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