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Lord Mayor’s Children’s Party, Mansion House

Some of the things associated with the Livery are hard work; many are a mixture of pleasure and work.  This was the ultimate – all fun!  I had heard that this party was a must-do event and sure enough it was.  Of our grandchildren, only one met the age 6 to 9 criterion to participate.  I asked my granddaughter if she would like to go.  After some discussions she said she was nervous but would give the balloon party a go.

Following the Company visit to the Thames Barrier on the Thursday, I set off north to York by train.  After collecting my granddaughter from school on Friday we beat the York rush hour and just managed to catch the train back to London.  I did not realise how many children’s games I had on my phone – they kept her occupied for two hours.

Saturday morning was a leisurely start to the day.  Both of us had to dress up.  A suit on a Saturday for me and a pink sparkly party dress for my granddaughter.

At the Mansion House we were welcomed by a Guard of Honour which included two Police horses and riders.  The children loved them.

After a few adjustments we ascended to the reception hall with many other children and parents/grandparents.  The Lord Mayor, Mayoress and Sheriffs provided an impressive receiving line, all on low chairs so they were at eye level with their guests, so that each child was welcomed personally.

As we entered the Egyptian Hall all fears disappeared.  Hundreds of children running and then freezing as still as statues.  My granddaughter was off and in the midst of the melée.

The Mayor’s team (including the Mace Bearer and Sword Bearer) entered with great splendour and music.  They then joined in the games.  The Lord Mayor lost the tug of war.

We were able to find each other in time to see an animal show and a science show.  Spot on for smaller people.

Off to the old ball room for tea, sandwiches and cakes, then back down for ice cream.  The climax of the afternoon was a mass hokey cokey followed by a conga which toured the Mansion House, led by the Mayor.  Finally, the great mass of balloons held in a huge net up above was released.  The children loved it.  The adults also appreciated it as the children disappeared in the huge pile of balloons.  Not for the first time I completely lost my granddaughter.  I eventually discovered her hidden by seven huge balloons.

She had loved every minute.

Then home on the train with a very excited and exhausted seven-year old with and seven balloons.

We negotiated that we would only take one balloon back to York, which we successfully accomplished on Sunday.  Where had the weekend gone?

Congratulations to the Lord Mayor and the Mansion House team for a super occasion.  It was a very successful and enjoyable event.  Because the children enjoyed it so much there were many happy parents/grandparents as well.

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