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Livery Charity Chairs and Trustees 2024 Annual Conference

Livery Company Masters, Clerks and Trustees were invited to the conference.  It was an opportunity to hear from charity experts on current issues, to see how fellow Livery Charities are responding to challenges and opportunities and to meet each other.

After opening remarks by Deputy Philip Woodhouse (above), we received the Livery Charity Chairs Group update from Dr Hilary Lindsay.

A hot topic was Objects and Objectives:

  • Every charity has specific objects and must work within these objects
  • Older charities tend to have more specific objects: more modern charities frequently have objects specifying “any charitable purpose”
  • Familiarise yourself with your objects – if your proposed grant or activity is outside your objects you simply can’t do it!

We then had a presentation on the Importance of Philanthropy from Orlando Fraser KC, Chair of the Charity Commission.  Then followed two presentations on “Changing What Your Charity Can Do” from Philip Reed, Withers LLP and Stephen Gilbert, LCCG Member and Charity Consultant.

We learnt that the top problems faced by trusts were:

  • Governance – Dominant Personnel
  • Governance – Role of Trustees
  • Conflicts of Loyalty/interest
  • Trustees receiving personal benefits
  • Finance, controls

We then heard from Alderwoman and Sheriff Dame Susan Langley and Alderman and Sheriff Bronek Masojada who made specific reference to the history of the Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund.

Finally we heard about “Collaborating for Greater Impact” from Lady Hilary Russell, Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund, James Banks MBE, Chief Executive of London Funders, and Dr Hilary Lindsay, Livery Food Initiative.

The day finished with thanks and a look ahead before drinks, nibbles and networking.

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